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发布时间:2020-08-14 浏览次数:291


从事于精子发生与功能的研究,专注于:1,男性不育的致病突变在精子发生过程中的功能及分子机制;2,精子的表观遗传对胚胎发育及子代健康的调控机制。近5年来研究成果以(共同)第一或通讯作者在PNAS, Nucleic Acids ResearchHuman Molecular Genetics等期刊发表SCI论文多篇。主持国家自然科学基金一项。联系方式:ahmuhuarong@126.com



2021.09-至今    国家卫生健康委配子及生殖道异常研究重点实验室,副研究员;

2018.08-2021.07 南京医科大学生殖医学国家重点实验室,博士后、助理研究员;

2013.09-2018.06 南京医科大学基础医学院,生殖医学博士;

2009.09-2013.06 南京医科大学基础医学院,生物技术学士。



1. Hua R#; Wei H#; Liu C#; Zhang Y; Liu S; Guo Y; Cui Y; Zhang X; Guo X; Li W*; Liu M*; FBXO47 regulates telomere-inner nuclear envelope integration by stabilizing TRF2 during meiosis, Nucleic Acids Research, 2019, 47(22): 11755-11770;

2. Castaneda JM#Hua R#, Miyata H, Oji A, Guo Y, Cheng Y, Zhou T, Guo X, Cui Y, Shen B, Wang Z, Hu Z, Zhou Z, Sha J, Prunskaite-Hyyrylainen R, Yu Z, Ramirez-Solis R, Ikawa M*, Matzuk MM*, Liu M*. TCTE1 is a conserved component of the dynein regulatory complex and is required for motility and metabolism in mouse spermatozoa, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2017, 114(27): E5370-E5378;

3. Liu Y#, Li Y#, Meng L#, Li K, Gao Y, Lv M, Guo R, Xu Y, Zhou P, Wei Z, He X, Cao Y, Wu H*, Tan Y*, Hua R*. Bi-allelic human TEKT3 mutations cause male infertility with oligoasthenoteratozoospermia due to acrosomal hypoplasia and reduced progressive motility. Hum Mol Genet, 2023 Jan 27;ddad013;

4. Wu H#, Liu Y#, Li Y#, Li K, Xu C, Gao Y, Lv M, Guo R, Xu Y, Zhou P, Wei Z, Hua R*, He X*, Cao Y*. DNALI1 deficiency causes male infertility with severe asthenozoospermia in humans and mice by disrupting the assembly of the flagellar inner dynein arms and fibrous sheath. Cell Death Dis. 2023 Feb 15;14(2):127;

5. Wu H#, Zhang X#Hua R#, Li Y, Cheng L, Li k, Liu Y, Gao Y, Shen Q, Wang G, Lv M, Xu Y, He X*, Cao Y*, Liu M*. Homozygous missense mutation in CCDC155 disrupts the transmembrane distribution of CCDC155 and SUN1, resulting in non-obstructive azoospermia and premature ovarian insufficiency in humans. Hum Genet, Nov;141(11):1795-1809;

6. Zhou S#, Wu H#, Zhang J#, He X, Liu S, Zhou P, Hua R*, Cao Y*, Liu M*. Bi-allelic variants in human TCTE1/DRC5 cause asthenospermia and male infertility. Eur J Hum Genet, 2022 Jun;30(6):721-729;

7. Hua R, Liu M*; Sexual Dimorphism in Mouse Meiosis., Front Cell Dev Biol, 2021,9: 0-670599.





3,安徽医科大学, 2021年博士科研启动经费,90217412012021-092026-08,在研,主持。